Digital marketing in Nigeria – Digital marketing is the use of modern digital technologies and equipment to advertising and market the various products and services of a particular company on the internet.

In this modern dispensation, it needs to be clearly stated that technology has become the order of the day. The advent of technology has seen the eradication of various archaic means of doing things.  The Computer is one of the important technologies which is available today and has given birth to the internet (i.e. a global wide-area network which links various computers around the world) which today has helped millions of businesses across the globe.

The advertisement has always been one of the major tools used by businesses to market their goods and services. These advertisements are often carried out using different mediums which include but not limited to – Televisions, radios, flyers, newspapers, etc. However, the internet has made it a lot easier for businesses to market their goods and services in a competitive market.

In Nigeria, a lot of business owners are yet to grasp the benefits of digital marketing and this is not strange due to the fact that there is no ample understanding of the enormous benefits attached to the use of the digital marketing system.

Well, here are some of the ways that digital marketing can help businesses in Nigeria –

  1. High social media presence – Social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn) is underestimated by business owners in Nigeria but research has shown that it is one of the best ways to grow a business. Social media has grown over the years to become the world’s leading online platform where businesses can link and interact with their customers. Businesses get to know their customer base and also provide them with the adequate information and assistance needed from time to time. When the online page of a business has more likes and shares as a result of the content that is being uploaded on the page, it will surely draw traffic to the page or site.
  2. Stay above competitorsSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) has become one of the effective digital marketing strategies which are used by businesses to outrank their competitors. The major aim of SEO is to ensure that the websites of businesses appear above that of their competitors in the Google search engine result.
  3. Save time and money – Unlike what is obtainable in traditional marketing where businesses spend huge amounts of money in advertising and marketing, the case is different for digital marketing, where all that is needed are consistency, good marketing content and the right audience.
  4. Save stress – It must be admitted that human beings want to gain self-fulfillment without stressing themselves out. This is the reason the internet has a sufficient number of self-fulfillment digital strategists, who use different mediums to bring their goods and services to the doorsteps of the customers at little or no stress. For example, companies like JUMIA and KONGA which are retail online markets make it possible for people to shop at home from the convenience of their internet-enabled devices and the goods will be delivered to them at their doorsteps at little or no extra cost.

Digital marketing is becoming the surest way for companies to do business and grow their network, this is why it is important that businesses in Nigeria should adopt this trending marketing strategy.

All thanks to the internet, the world is becoming a global community, now people from various parts of the world can connect and do business effortlessly through the internet.

It is true that there are a lot of challenges that some businesses might face when using the internet in regard to scams and hackers.

However, there are also very strong online security systems that can also be adopted by these businesses to combat this menace and have a great business run in Nigeria.

In conclusion, it needs to be reiterated that Digital Marketing is becoming the latest trend of growing business around the world and the convenient form of marketing globally. Businesses must have the right online presence (i.e. Social Media and a well-optimized website) in this century if they must remain relevant in business, as a developing country most businesses are still inclined to traditional marketing approaches,

This is why it is important for businesses in Nigeria to key into this great and important medium of marketing or consults a professional for proper counseling on how to improve sales and online presence.

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