Influence of Website in Business Credibility – For any business, having a website is a wonderful initiative and increases its visibility to the target audience. While it is true that visibility is integral and basic to every business on the internet, credibility needs to also be on the table. In a recent study carried out in 2016, it was discovered that about more than 75% of people are likely going to carry out a research about a company on the internet before they finally make a purchase. This is simply to check the credibility of the website.

In today’s world, any business that does not have a website is perceived to be far less credible than those that have a website. Now, you are probably wondering, how does the credibility of a business get impacted by just a website? Here are the various ways a website influences the credibility of a business –

  1. Brand awareness

Firstly, every good website needs to align and communicate with the marketing goals and brand of the business. The website has to communicate to your audience, the mission and vision of your business. The website of a company has to be a resource for information related to the products and services of the company. This act of informing and educating your target audience about your business, you get to build trust which is the bedrock to a long – lasting relationship. The website puts your brand in the limelight as well as aligns with your set marketing goals. By alignment, this means that the logos, fonts, pictures and design of your website must depict the nature and character of your business. This way, such brand is used to identify your business thereby building credibility.

  1. Post relevant and engaging web contents

Use your website as a tool for asserting your authority in the particular field which your business focuses on. You have succeeded in telling the customers about you, now the next step is to prove to them that you know what you are doing. Ensure that you create and publish relevant, interesting and helpful contents on your website. Also try to focus on posting contents relevant to your field only. For instance, a legal website that makes posts about fashion clearly sends a wrong message to the audience and may come out bad.

  1. Enhance functionality of the website

How would you feel if you get into a website and click a link only for it to return an error 404 or any other error message? Of course, you will feel bad and probably wonder why the company failed to rectify the problem. With much questions comes gradual reduction of trust and credibility for the website. This is the reason why businesses need to search and detect broken links, pages loading slowly as well as wrong page direction. A very functional website will increase the credibility of a business in the eyes of the customers.

  1. Keep the website up to date

Your website serves as a library and hub of information for your customers. Imagine if you were to walk into a library today and find most textbooks to be in the original edition when it is obvious that new editions have been released by the publishers. Definitely, you might probably not return to the library. This goes for a website too. Contents placed in websites must be regularly updated at least every 4 days or weekly to keep new customers engaged. Like a storefront, if a website is left untouched after creation, it loses its appeal.  Imagine going into a store that is dusty, monotonous, and out of style. At the other side of the street, there is another store selling similar products but just that this particular store always keeps their store front neat, orderly and updated with new stocks arriving.

It is obvious that you will make your purchase at the latter store. Your website needs to be updated to keep the competition with your competitors running. Most times, it is advised to go through the website of your top competitors and get the latest information on some of the products and services that have been updated. Also pay attention to social media trends and know when to have a make-over of your website. It can be that your industry regulation has been updated and you were not aware of it. If a customer carries out business with you based on the outdated regulation and it turns out to be harmful for the customer, you might not only risk losing your credibility ranking but you might also risk a law suit.

For consultation on Web design and development process, training and procurement of Hosting and Domain , freely contact Lead Web Praxis Media Limited. Also any question regarding the Influence of Website in Business Credibility

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